Sunday 14 August 2016

It almost 3 months in KMS . Cant wait to go back home on Raya Haji for another one month. But one month feel like one year :'(. I miss my home my family my brother so much :'(. Life in KMS is so busy and tiring. Class from 8 a.m-4 a.m. But that's what is according to the the timetable given. In reality we got another extra classes or lecture at the evening and night as well. We dont even have sufficient time to study when the extra classes take over our time plus we have to finish our task and assignment that must be submitted on the right time. Its a little bit stressful if you cant manage your time properly when you're being as a Matrik's student . But so far everything can be controlled because I've my friends that always support me and guide me as well. BUT I CANT WAIT TO GO BACK HOME :'(((( . NAK BALIK!!! Cepatla lagi sebulan rasa macam setahun je :'(

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