Sunday 21 August 2016

So this is my classmates. WELCOME TO SM2K3P1. We are all from module 2 (Physics). Honestly I'm so lucky to have them. They are so helpful eventhough they are busy with their work but still can willingly help their friends when in need like me. Cause I'm actually a little bit slow in study :( . THANKS GUYS.

Sunday 14 August 2016

So stressful to adapt with this situation. Got 4 subjects to handle. Chemistry is fun, Maths is okayy, Science computer also okay. But PHYSICS is really sick :'(. Can you imagine that in a semester which is equal to 6 months but actually plus minus public holiday and other programs within 4 months you have 15 CHAPTERS to digest . I hope that I can really manage my time properly. I really need to study but I dont know how , when there are too many task that must be done in a short time.
Since I'm the student of science computer there are a few assignment that have to be done using the computer. But the assignment was fun for me because as a teenager of a 21st centuries we are close to the Information Technology(IT) so its not bored at all. But sometimes if we got a problem or difficulties to understand the task we're able to ask the lecturer for them to guide us.

So one example of the assignment that already done by me was brochure about Introduction to Information Technology (IT) that is one of the topic in my syllabus of Science Computer.

Another assignment was about I-think map.

So there are a few example of I-Think Map

It almost 3 months in KMS . Cant wait to go back home on Raya Haji for another one month. But one month feel like one year :'(. I miss my home my family my brother so much :'(. Life in KMS is so busy and tiring. Class from 8 a.m-4 a.m. But that's what is according to the the timetable given. In reality we got another extra classes or lecture at the evening and night as well. We dont even have sufficient time to study when the extra classes take over our time plus we have to finish our task and assignment that must be submitted on the right time. Its a little bit stressful if you cant manage your time properly when you're being as a Matrik's student . But so far everything can be controlled because I've my friends that always support me and guide me as well. BUT I CANT WAIT TO GO BACK HOME :'(((( . NAK BALIK!!! Cepatla lagi sebulan rasa macam setahun je :'(

Sunday 7 August 2016

Assalamu’alaikum w.b.t It has been 3 months I’m being as a student of Matriculation College Selangor. Honestly its quite hard to adapt in the new situation where you’re being far away from your beloved family. But nothing is easy if you want to success. You have to sacrifice and must accept anything as long as its good to yourself especially for your future. No matter how hard, pain and fatigue your life gonna be you have to be strong until then you can see the light that will shine your life. When I want to further my study , Matriculation College wasn’t my first choice but it’s my last choice :D because Malaysian student always stated that College Matriculation is the place that you’ve to struggle a lot. It’s 99.9% true because we’re only have a year to finish all the syllabus. Besides, its best to say that Kolej Matrikulasi is the fast lane to continue your degree compared to diploma that will finish at least 2 and half year. Oh ya besides that many people said that Matriks’s student is genius and intelligent based on their SPM’S result . Actually it’s not true at all cause I’m only got (4A2B3C) in my SPM :D and I’m not as clever as what people always expected to Matriks’s student. I’m just and ordinary person but nothing is impossible if we want to success right. At first I’m not being confident at all to be as a Matriks’s student as many people said that Matriks’s student have to struggle a lot , no sleep, no rest, no chill no this and that and many more but when we think wisely there’s no shortcut to success. Anywhere you go if you want to success you have to struggle too. You can’t run away from a problems. What I means by “Problems” now are your hardworking, your struggle to finish your study with excellent result, your zombie life where you have to stay up to finish your homework, assignment, lab report and others. You have to settle it down if you don’t want the real problem to be a burden for you later in the future. To be honest I’m still not in a balance phase yet. I have to handle the situation of being far away from family. In addition I have to struggle with my new life here that’s absolutely and totally different with my previous life. I’m not a bookworm person and I played a lot since I’m at school. I’m not serious in study so that’s why I got that kind of result in my SPM. So when I entered to this college my life rapidly changes because the environment of being Matriks’s student really encourage you to change yourlife to be a better person.
              Okay lets make a few introduction about Matriculation College. For science  there are 3 module. Module 1 (Biology Chemistry Physics Mathematics) Module 2 (Physics Chemistry Mathematics Science Computer) more to engineering course and lastly Module 3 (Biology Chemistry Mathematics Science Computer). While other course is account. I’m taking module 2 here because I’m not interested in Biology since I’m at school. I don’t like memorizing I don’t like reading a lot but I do like calculating a lot. That’s why in SPM I got B in my Physics :D and A in Maths. Besides that my ambition is want to be a pilot so module 2 is the most suitable course for me as a preparation before I continue to degree. For your information you have been determined your module once you got the offer to enter this college. But don’t worry you’re able to make application to change the module or change the course to Account.

            So here I would like to share a few picture of mine and my classmates. I never expected that I will got that such a crazy and understanding friends at here as my thought was they are all a bookworm person.

So ni member paling gila paling sakai paling naik darah sekali.

                   Yang ini pula member paling tinggi sekali. I thought that I'm the highest girl in    the class but this one is the highest girl in the KMS maybe . My height is 166cm but she's 178 cm :D